
So everyone is wondering what is required to paint a bunch of rear end images? The answer in our case is 3 AssSols and a lot of caffeine. That and not being an AssSol is all that is necessary. Maybe a bit of creativity too.

AssSol Master

AssSol Master

Graphic Artist

We love our AssSol Master, but let's be honest...He's just painting butts. Regardless, we have to give it up to him as he took the world of derrieres and made them humorous with his touch of themes and backgrounds.

The Big AssSol

The Big AssSol

Lead Developer

The Big AasSol (not the biggest) has been in web development and IT support for over 15 years. In addition to running the show and making sure you guys can mint these beauties he did come up with the idea to give each lovely lady their own personality.

Baby AssSol

Baby AssSol

Unpaid Intern

Do you know how hard it is to find someone that wants to be an AssSol, let alone a Baby AssSol. Well we searched throughout the world and found a very nice AssSol who wanted to work on this project all for an honorable mention. He reviewed the artwork to make sure it lived up to our standards and fetched our hot pockets and diet cokes so we could complete this project for you guys. As a result here's an Honorable Mention with the largest AssSol on the page!!! Thanks Baby AssSol!